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#86: The price of being a superhero
What is my "superhero origin story"? What happens when we cannot rest until everyone and everything else is taken care of? What happens when we believe if we could just do enough, be enough, get "there", earn all of...
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#85: What is underneath may be keeping you stuck
Our adaptations keep us alive. But not without cost. While my conscious beliefs were definitely problematic and contributed to my descent into burnout and mental illness, I have come to understand that underneath...
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#84: Why is it so hard to rest?
It turns out that resting is hard (in this culture). And the truth is, I didn't really give myself permission to rest until I was literally no longer able to function. Until I had exhausted my body and mind almost...
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#83: Your People Need You to Rest More
I had no idea that my inability to rest and recover from the stress and overwhelm of life was going to push me to a breaking point. But it did. Rest is THE foundational practice that allows our body to support us in...
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Hello Again!
Welcome to Season 2 of the Freedom from Empty Podcast! In this episode I share a little behind the scenes of some of the events that prompted an unplanned 20-month hiatus from the podcast, how my journey continues to...
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When Did You Lose Your Voice
I have come to believe that our unadulterated voice is an expression of the divine. But there are a million reasons why you may have lost (pieces of) your voice on your journey to where you are now. In this...
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Interview with Jen Schappel
What are some mythperceptions we all hold about what self-care, wellness and wellbeing "look like" vs. what they actually can mean for us? Are movement and exercise the same thing and can exercise be bad for you? What...
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Freedom to Surrender
Letting go of what we know can be terrifying. But holding on too tightly to things that are no longer for us can keep us stuck and ultimately make us sick. In this episode I share how surrender has been a gateway in...
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Interview with Erika Biddix
"Owning a business that is based on my purpose allows me to be who I am, not what I do." Join me for this interview with Erika Biddix, Founder of Biddix Meetings and Events and Aught LLC, to hear the story of how she...
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What Will You Do with the Pause
There are moments in our lives when, for whatever reason, we find ourselves with clear(er) calendars and fewer to-dos or perhaps a moment or a season when our priorities are turned on their head. If we don’t pause...
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Breaking the Chains of Fatphobia (Part Two)
My conversation with Kate Brosnan, a weight-neutral, non-diet, Registered Dietician, continues in this episode as we challenge some of the commonly held beliefs about the association between weight and health, weight...
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Breaking the Chains of Fatphobia (Part One)
In this first of two interview episodes with Kate Brosnan, a weight neutral, non diet, registered dietician, Kate shares about the journey she has been on as a mother and dietician who realized that the beliefs and...
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