To the entrepreneur, leader, or high-achiever who needs more time to breathe…

Is 2024 the year you find your rhythm between ambitious goals, taking care of others, and tending to your well-being?

This is your personal invitation to the Whole You: Nourish Retreat, an intimate experience all about nourishment and rest, curated by me — Booth Andrews.

Want to join us in the forest of beautiful Guanacaste, Costa Rica from April 21-26, 2024? The gorgeous location shots you see on in this page are from our venue!

**Book by January 1, 2024 and receive a FREE 1-hour, private coaching session valued at $250**

***Additional payment options available upon request. Email [email protected]***

Pay in FULL * $250 savings! *

$5,250.00 USD
Payment Plan | Afterpay Available

$3,500 Deposit > Rest due 03.01.2024

“Through working with Booth I realized investing time into taking care of myself physically and mentally actually gave me the bandwidth I needed to grow and expand in my business and personally.”

Michelle Waymire, Coaching Client and Past Retreat Participant

A gentle note to the woman who feels like she is holding up the sky,

Many entrepreneurs and leaders I speak to mention a “pull” they feel as they navigate the world.

At work, you feel pulled, to check on that friend, show up for that volunteer commitment, or support other people on your team.

At home, you feel pulled to get a little work done. But that pulls you away from your partner, kids, or chosen family. 

When we’re pulled in so many different directions each day…

We can start to feel stuck on a hamster wheel.. Chronically overwhelmed. And also like we’re never doing enough. Even emotionally numb or burnt out.

And I’ve noticed this “pull” can lead us to adopt beliefs about rest and self-care based on the tension we feel…


Maybe you’ve felt one of these, too?

Belief #1 | “I’d feel guilty taking time to rest… unless I got sick…”

From the moment you wake up, your time belongs to other people.

  • You spend your days serving clients.
  • Taking care of loved ones.
  • Showing up for your friends, colleagues, and community.

And you’re really good at it. But some days, it’s hard to feel like you’re giving your full attention to any one role that you fill.

So you tell yourself you’d feel too guilty making time and space to rest.

And the last time you gave yourself full permission to rest for the sake of rest… may or may not have been because you were actually physically ill. (Been there!)

Belief #2 | “I have to be still to rest and… I just don’t like that.”

Your brain doesn’t stop.

So when the people in your world tell you to rest, all you hear is: 

  • Sitting down to meditate for an hour (NOT your vibe)

  • Sound therapy or a massage (where your brain would buzz even more)

  • Or sleep (which can feel like a battle a lot of the time)

Unless it’s about being productive, getting smarter, or improving yourself… downtime just makes you feel restless.

So, you keep moving. Because why would you want to get more of that feeling?

Belief #3 | “I want calm and peace. But self-care feels like adding one more thing to the list.”

You can get on board with the idea of taking care of yourself.

You know it helps, and you prioritize it when you get the chance. 

But when you’re always tired, overwhelmed, trying to catch up with the items already on your to-do list…

Or when the time you tried to carve out for yourself inevitably gets hijacked by the needs of someone else …

…the idea of creating a long list of objectives around self-care, or implementing a 2-hour “restful” bedtime routine, just sounds like adding more stress to the pile.

Here’s a “Booth Hug” for you, friend. You’re in the right place.

You may know that resting would help you operate at your best…

Yet it still feels impossible to integrate that kind of time and space into your life.

So it makes perfect sense if you just keep moving with the “pull” of life. And away from the rest and nourishment you need.

But I will say this…

Pulling away from what the mind and body need… won’t ease the tension we feel. 

It keeps us stuck.

We have to find real ways to release that tension to be free.


So, what if you could press pause on the “pull” of life for a few days and:

 ✨ Recharge without guilt (+ uncover ways to start doing that more often)

Start to claim rest as your right, and see how it gives you more energy to shine your light for others.

✨ Find restful activities that feel like “YOU” (stillness not required)

Explore options that activate parts of you that often go untapped, like mountain biking, cliffside yoga, or whitewater tubing… and tap into something new that helps you feel fully alive.

✨ Uncover a self-care plan that actually feels doable

No 10-step morning routines or advanced-level chakra healing. Simply tap into what you want and need, and get support integrating more of it into your life.

✨ Get space in your mind for clarity, breakthroughs, and expansion

With a lighter mental load, you can reconnect with yourself, get clear on your priorities, and decide the next right steps for you.

✨ Let someone else tend to your needs for a while

So you’re free to access peace and calm. To feel held and supported. To simply be.

…all WITHOUT having to generate these things on your own — and perhaps while surrounded by the breathtaking Costa Rican rainforest?!

That’s exactly what we’ll do together at the…

Nourish | A Whole You Retreat

An intimate retreat in an extraordinary setting in Costa Rica — for women ready to feel held and nourished for a change.
Pay in FULL * $250 savings! *

$5,250.00 USD
Payment Plan | Afterpay Available

$3,500 Deposit > Rest due 03.01.2024

“Sounds heavenly… but what exactly can I expect at this retreat?”

Here’s a quick overview of the most important details:

What's Happening?

An intimate 5-night retreat all about nourishment and rest, led by Booth Andrews.

Who's Coming?

A group of up to 8 women entrepreneurs, leaders,
and high-achievers.

What are the dates?

April 21-26, 2024

Pro Tip: Block on your calendar a day or two on either end if possible, to support a gentle transition into the experience, and then back into your life.

Where are we headed?

A luxurious, boutique hotel in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Picture hikes through lush landscape and plenty of downtime on your own private balcony or choose from the variety of on-property adventures.

A tour through the experience I’ve planned for you...

Nourishment & Rest

Define what replenishes your energy. And create a plan to get more of it in your daily life.

  • Retreat to your private bungalow — Whether it’s reading in your hammock or taking in the views on your private balcony, you’re free to enjoy as much alone time as you need.
  • Indulge in spa treatments — Love a spa day? Choose from options like deep tissue massage, volcanic clay facials, and more. 
  • Recharge outdoors — Take a dip in the thermal hot springs or one of 3 mineral pools, or head out for a walk on one of the on-site trails.
  • Build made-for-you restoration and nourishment practices into your daily routine — We’ll work together to create a plan around what helps your mind and body recharge. 

Walk away from the experience with a deeper understanding of what your body, mind, and soul need to replenish and heal. So even when life’s at its most chaotic, you don’t have to live at a million miles an hour 24/7.


“A great balance of practical conversation and somatic-informed practice/learning."

"I really enjoyed the space of trust and presence that I felt at the retreat. It was a great balance of practical conversation and somatic-informed practice/learning." 

Sarah O’Leary, Past Retreat Participant

Adventure & Nervous System Grounding

Uncover the ways YOU best complete your stress cycle, and transition from overwhelm to ease.

  • Be guided through new experiences —  Let the retreat staff curate experiences for you, with one complimentary cliffside yoga class, one on-site adventure, and one guided nature walk. (Bonus: you’re sure to spot wildlife - monkeys are daily visitors on the property!) 
  • “Rest” with your brain engaged — You’re free to choose a more adventurous retreat experience, with on-property adventures like canyon ziplining, whitewater tubing, mountain biking, and more. 
  • Explore what your nervous system needs to regulate — Listen to water cascade over rocks. Ground your feet into the forest floor. Let this new environment reveal how you best access calm. 
  • Assess your life with a 10,000-foot view — Step into new surroundings, observe what’s in alignment in your life, and take intentional time to explore more supportive ways to live and work.

Head home with clarity around your goals, the ways your brain taps into rest, and the breakthroughs possible in your life when you take care of you.

“Perfect blend of inner work, connection, and tactical ideas." 

"Getting to connect with such incredible women was a true blessing for me and I even got hired to do a project for a fellow retreater! The retreat was a perfect blend of inner work, connection, and tactical ideas." 

Susie Aguilar, Past Retreat Participant

Personalized Support & Connection

Move through the experience with support from me and an intimate group of women like you.

  • Lean on me to help you slow down — Get 5 days of access to your burnout and stress management coach (that’s me!) to explore how rest can help you show up the way you want to in your life.

  • Gather & connect with women like you who crave a balance of ambition and peace — Attend daily gatherings where we’ll hold space for reflection, process “stuck” places that bubble up, and find solutions you can implement in your life.

  • Claim practical tools and resources that work for the life you want — I’ll share helpful tools and realistic ways you can bring rest and nourishment into your daily life.

  • Receive surprise gifts — I’m planning some special gifts, activities, and gatherings that I’ll tailor to the guest list. So you’re as supported as you can possibly be to show up fully energized in your life, as the Whole You.

Transition back into your day-to-day feeling energized and ready to move forward. With support from me, new retreat friends, and a clear re-entry plan for balancing big goals and self-care. 

How I’ll care for you

Before, during, and after the experience
Support in the lead-up

As the retreat approaches, I’ll share tools and resources to facilitate a gentle transition into the experience. I’ll also host a check-in call before the retreat, so we can get acquainted before our time together!

**Plus, book by January 1st, 2024, and get one free private coaching session with me!

Like 2+ months of coaching, rolled into 5 days

We’ll have uninterrupted time to co-create the restful experience that feels best to you. Whether you’re looking for guidance on adding daily well-being practices to your life, tapping into resources, or you want support with decision-making, I’m here to help.


Your personal re-entry plan

The point of this experience isn’t to return back to a chaotic life, running at full speed. You’ll fly home from Costa Rica with a clear re-entry plan for moving forward with life in a way that prioritizes your daily rest and nourishment.



“My work is based on ripple effects… and Booth in and of herself IS her own ripple effect. She is a magical unicorn and I’m so glad that she is on this earth.” 

Erika Biddix, Entrepreneur 

“I’m interested… But I’ve got 5 minutes. 
Summary, please?”

Absolutely! Here’s everything included in the Nourish | A Whole You Retreat:

✔️ Private bungalow in the East Bungalows of Rio Perdido Hotel & Thermal River with en-suite bathroom and private balcony with forest views

✔️ All meals served on-site with a mix of Costa Rican and international dishes

✔️ Personalized support & facilitation from your burnout & stress management coach :)

✔️ Daily group gatherings with reflection prompts and supportive discussion

✔️ Practical tools & resources to integrate your best approach to rest into your daily life

✔️ Airport meet & greet upon arrival

 ✔️ Ground transfer to and from accommodation*

 ✔️ Access to the Rio Perdido thermal canyon & springs

✔️ Access to 3 thermal mineral pools

✔️ Access to surrounding hiking trails

✔️ One complimentary guided walk

✔️ One complimentary cliffside yoga class

✔️ One (optional) on-property adventure 

✔️ Spa credit toward one service of your choice

✨ Special gifts and gatherings I’m planning to suit everyone on the guest list!

✨ Plus, one free private coaching session with me when you book by January 1st, 2024! 



Ready to claim your spot?

Payment Plan | Afterpay Available

$3,500 Deposit > Rest due 03.01.2024
Pay in FULL * $250 savings! *

$5,250.00 USD

Got questions? Find your answers below...

No matter what your next step is…

Rest is your right. And you deserve the support you need to prioritize it.

When life pulls you in a million directions, I know it can be hard to imagine taking a few days to catch your breath.

That’s why I’ve put so much love into planning out all the time, space, and resources for you to build more rest and nourishment into your life.

But I want you to know that whether you join us in Costa Rica or not…

…you deserve the kind of rest that helps YOU recharge, get “unstuck,” and expand your capacity. 

You deserve it now and you deserve it often. And I’m here to help you prioritize that however I can.


Booth Andrews

Reserve my spot at the
Nourish | A Whole You Retreat!

Payment Plan | Afterpay Available

$3,500 Deposit > Rest due 03.01.2024
Pay in FULL * $250 savings! *

$5,250.00 USD